Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies


Since my previous posts on cookies and success with egg-less ones, I have been splurging with more and more of them in my little kitchen. A lots more awaits in future to come. After having tried the healthy Granola bars for breakfast, I hadn't experimented much with the good old oats for long now. So it was time for these Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies.

Rolled oats have been very popular with people on diet, given that oatmeal is well known to lower the cholesterol levels, thus control cardiovascular diseases to an extent. It has high content of carbohydrates, is a good source of protein and fiber which encourages slow digestion and stabilizes blood-glucose levels. Considering so many health benefits, it's a good idea to consume a cup of it a day. Raisins too have a good nutritional properties. They have antioxidant properties and being high in calories, but not fats, raisins are very good source of energy. I have seen my mom, aunts and grandma soak few raisins in water overnight and consume them the following morning. It is said to boost blood generation process.

Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies has been traditional and quite popular in America. I have used Quaker oats, which are the regular rolled oats used for porridge or breakfast muesli. If you find difficulty in fetching brown sugar, use jaggery or honey instead. The flavor would change a little, but it's still fine that way.

Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies


2 cups Quaker Oats (uncooked)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup raisins
3/4 cup butter/margarine, softened
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp flax-meal
3 tsp water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt (optional)


Mix flax-meal with water and allow it to stand for about 30 mins to an hour. It will result in an egg-like gooey mix.

Whisk the butter/margarine and both the sugars in a bowl till they are frothy and creamy. Add in flax-meal water and vanilla and beat them well.

In another bowl, mix the flour, oats, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Add this to the above wet mixture. Next add the raisins and fold all together till they come together to a rough dough. Drop the dough by teaspoonfuls onto baking tray and bake at 180 deg C for 15 mins or till they brown. Bake them longer if you prefer crispy cookies.

I love oats in this form. They are my best bet! Not being too sweet, they suit my taste way too well. I relished about 4-5 cookies in one go! They were damn good. A big batch of these freshly baked goodies disappeared in no time.

A few crispy edges, a few chewy middles, this bake filled with the goodness of healthy oats and raisins made up a good pair for my breakfast tea and the sunny noon snack. Truly a vegan treat!


  1. Rolled oats are so good for you! I put flaxseed on my oatmeal too.
    And I do love an oatmeal cookie and any recipe I have has eggs in it! These look delicious!

  2. Thanks Barbara, they were really good and delicious too.

    Malar, thanks for visiting my site. I spent a good 30 mins reading your blog. Nice space.

  3. Healthy baked goodies, if you asked me! Very nice indeed! They look like temptresses, wanting to be reached out to, and bitten into!! :)

  4. Very delish!! Great pictures as usual!!

  5. Awesome stuff and i enjoyed them :) - Deepak

  6. Lovely cookies. I happened to stumble on your blog via a comment of your's that I saw on Suma Rowjee's blog... You have some fabulous things going on here. TOTALLY Love it!!

  7. Cookcurrynook: They are healthy indeed. You bet!

    Suma: Thanks for being a regular here. Nice see you as always :) Glad you liked my pics.

    Deepak: I am glad you loved them!

    Deepthi: Thanks Deepthi for visiting this space. I hope you liked my blog. Do let me know if you have any kind of feedback for this site. It will be welcome.
