Yogurt Panna Cotta


Little known to this dessert, I was introduced to my first Panna Cotta a month ago on an official luncheon meet from my company at Radha Homtel. There was something really intriguing about this dessert, as the light mild sweetness against the rich creaminess melted through my tongue. The creaminess was definitely on a high as it had a mousse like silken feel to it. From the array of desserts, it was this delicately flavored Panna Cotta that caught my sheer attention. Panna cotta is an Italian dessert made by simmering together cream, milk and sugar, mixing this with gelatin, and letting it cool until set. (Ref: Wikipedia)

Not willing to delude myself from the original, but to recreate a healthy and equally delicate flavorsome dessert was my idea of my Panna Cotta for this Sunday. Instead of the heavy cream Panna cotta, I made a nice yogurt one which was not just satisfying, but also light on our tummies.

Simple and easy, this dessert requires few ingredients to bring out a great sweet treat which can steal attention of any gathering away!

Yogurt Panna Cotta


100 ml hung yogurt
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
40 g powdered sugar
1 tsp gelatin / agar-agar
1 tbsp hot water


Prepare yogurt a day before. Or you may use store bought yogurt too. Hang the yogurt in a muslin cloth to collect all the watery portion of it in a vessel placed underneath. Let the liquid separate as much as possible from the curd. Place this in a fridge overnight for the water to drain out. The next morning you will have thick yogurt ready for use. This is commonly referred to as Quark in European region, or German in specific.

Dissolve 1 tsp gelatin or agar-agar in some hot water till it dissolves well. Set aside to cool a little.

Meanwhile, mix the yogurt, the vanilla extract and sugar in a bowl. Whip the yogurt till it is creamy and smooth. Add in the agar-agar and mix really well till it is all a homogeneous mixture. Transfer to serving bowls and refrigerate for the Panna Cotta to set. Let it set in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

I served my Panna Cotta in a Martini glass and topped it with some chocolate shavings and a chocolate cigar for the aesthetic look. Fruits can also be a good combination for this yogurt base.

Making this dessert from a store-bought yogurt is way quicker than home-made one as it reduces a lot of time in removing the water from curd. Ensure that the store-bought yogurt is set and really thick. That gives the best result.

Simple and creamy, yet a healthy dessert to treat your family and friends.


  1. Delicious!!! Have never made panna cotta , must try.Awesome click!

  2. Suma, I'm sure ur family and u will love them too!

  3. Looks perfect...very beautiful pictures..

  4. A lovely panna cotta! Light, healthy and so delicious looking!



  5. First time here...
    Awesome space with excellent clicks...
    Panna cotta looks terrific with a fabulous click..

  6. Thanks A 2 Z Vegetarian Cuisine for those compliments. I am touched!

    Hey Rosa, they were so light and healthy that we couldn't just stop at one!

    Hey Sarah, welcome to my space. I am so glad that you liked it here. Thanks for visiting and complimenting! :)

  7. lovely presentation and an easy recipe.

  8. Oh! What a beautiful dessert! They must be lucky who get to eat this!!!

  9. Yeah Aparna, this is a quick dessert with simple ingredients.

  10. I love pannacotta and loved your version..beautiful clicks dear..

  11. Awesome pictures you have here.. great job!

  12. Ive never heard of this ever. Sounds (and looks) great. I will try it sometime!

  13. New recipe to me!!! looks so tempting.must give atry soon.

  14. Thanks Gulmohar and Nostalgia, u guys have some great pics too...

    Deepti and Sahana, the recipe wasn't known to me till I first tasted it. And, I'm glad I did!

    Delicious? Yeah it sure is Jessica! Absolutely!

  15. I love Panna cotta..first time seeing a recipe which uses Yogurt..looks really tempting!!

  16. Yogurt has been used to keep this dessert healthy and low cal. So these indulgences aren't guilty!

  17. i've never made even the traditional panna cotta, and now i probably never will--this looks much better! wonderful recipe, m d--thanks!

  18. Panna cottas are so easy to whip up, Grace. You must try them. You probably won't stop at once ;)

  19. Whoa! Could you help me stop drooling? :) Gosh your beautiful pictures are tempting me to try this MD. Amazing work! Keep them coming :)

  20. Awesome clicks !!!!!!!!
    U have a Gr8 Blog here ...Keep goin !!
    thanks 4 visiting Panchamrutham..
    adding u 2 my blogroll
    Happy Blogging !!

  21. Thanks Deepti for dropping by and adding me to ur blogroll...

  22. Amazingly clicked dear. Luv the photography here. Very simple and healthy panna cotta.

  23. Great! I lost this recipe a while back and have been wanting to find it again. Try replacing the sugar with 20g of honey, dissolved in the hot water with the gelatine. Yum yum yum! Guess what we're having for dessert tonight!
