Showing posts with label Bakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bakes. Show all posts

Christmas Fruit Cake for Yummy Food

posted on , by M D

How to make Christmas Fruit Cake | Easy Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe There's something extremely gratifying about making your own cake and gifting your loved ones with yours. Usually, its days ahead of Christmas that I begin with the process of soaking fruits in booze and later bake them into a fruit cake that sits for a couple of days before being brought out to share. Each year, we have ...


Cinnamon Rolls with Cooked Vanilla Frosting

posted on , by M D

How to make Cinnamon Rolls with Cooked Frosting | Easy Cinnamon Rolls Recipe With Christmas around the corner and less than 4 days to go before you can sing Hallelujah, the Lord has come, I thought I'll peep in to help you with a lovely classic breakfast for your family to wake up to this Christmas morning. Its typically Western, hearty and sweet to call your morning off to a good start, ...


Healthy 3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Cookies

posted on , by M D

How to make Healthy 3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe The calendar on the bottom of my screen reminds me each day how fast we are getting close to the end of December. That means, we are just 2 weeks away from waving goodbye to this year (stop twitching your eyes, will you!) and, we are only 7 nights away from Christmas! 7 nights, that's just about a week. Yes, yes, just about ...


Clementine Scented Almond Biscotti

posted on , by M D

How to make Clementine Scented Almond Biscotti | Easy Orange Almond Biscotti Recipe The mornings since a week have turned wonderfully chill. Its been cooler than any other month I have known in Bangalore the past year. It’s been a while since we’ve been going to bed tucking the quilt snugly till our necks, windows partly open to let the cold air in, and without the usual sounds of whirling ...


Three Cheese Tomato Thin Crust Pizza

posted on , by M D

How to make Tomato Three Cheese Thin Crust Pizza Recipe Another month has gone by and boy, October is here! I had promised myself to get out of the cocoon and post atleast couple of more recipes before the end of September, but I failed myself again. The changing months remind me how blessed the second part of the year has been, particularly this year with some long weekends falling ...


'Healthy' Avocado Brownies | No Butter Brownies

posted on , by M D

How to make Avocado Brownies | Recipe for Healthy Brownies | No Butter Brownies My weakness for brownies is not quite known to many. I love this sense of being discreet, like an affair that's quite so sincere. It first began years ago, when I joined the corporate industry to begin my career and I lived by myself for those couple of years. During those days, many weekends were spent hanging ...


Simple Peach Puff Pastry Tart

posted on , by M D

How to make Peach Puff Pastry Tart | Easy Peach Puff Pastry Tart Recipe July has been a wonderful month bringing bounty produce and tons of inspiration to my kitchen. Its a month when all things living bud and bloom to glory. Foliage brim to lush greenness, healthy and flourishing. Weeds crawl themselves on to every inch of wilderness. Flowers burst into frenetic bloom. Markets bustle with ...


Blueberry Muffins

posted on , by M D

It takes me a while usually to compose myself a good deal of writing here, that's if I have stayed too long away from thinking or haven't perched my fingers on the keyboard for a while. Although this not being the case always, I still feel like a sophomoric with words, for today. Where do I begin? What do I tell you? We are past a week since the 4th of July and I hope you had a wonderful ...


Chewy Fudge Brownies

posted on , by M D

Life beats a charming rhythm when you uncork it from its mundanes. It sings a different chime when you whisk away from the regular. Our weekend went by, but it was nothing like the usual. Before it flipped over to Saturday, we headed out of city for three solid days of fun and adventure to a place we had little known or expected it to be. Well, two and half, if I have to be precise. North ...


Banana Cardamom Muffins | Eggless and Vegan Adaptable

posted on , by M D

Over the past 2 months that we have been here in the US, I have baked only once. And that was when these Banana Cardamom Muffins were made, much on demand by my husband. While banana bakes don't make it to the list my top favorites, I love baking with them and I am now slowly getting closer to loving and appreciating them too. I have come to appreciate the way bananas lend an inherent ...